
Deniz Kusefoglu's CV

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Deniz Kusefoglu

I’m an infrastructure engineer with experience building, maintaining, and optimizing internet-scale distributed systems under heavy load with high availability requirements. I believe that building a thriving team is the best way to deliver results and ship the right thing fast in a hypergrowth environment. I’ve worked as a Manager and as an IC, and I’m looking to work as an IC in my next role.

denizkusef@gmail.com / LinkedIn / GitHub

💻 Experience

Engineering Manager - Edge Metadata Team @ Vercel (January 2023 - January 2024)

Senior Software Engineer - Cloud Infrastructure Team @ Vercel (October 2021 - January 2023)

Keywords: Lua, Nginx, Go, Terraform, Kubernetes, AWS, Infrastructure at the Edge, DynamoDB, CosmosDB.

Senior Software Engineer - Infrastructure Team @ InfluxData (Sept 2017 - October 2021)

Keywords Go, Kubernetes, kind, openAPI, ArgoCD, Jsonnet, React, TypeScript

🎓 Education

📃 Research Publications